Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Its Christmas Eve tonight and looks like its going to be a white xmas this year here in Toronto. I'm not a religious person but the Holiday season is always a great time for family and friends to gather. For me, its a time to share and reflect on the year past.

Personally, I am really glad I started writing this blog, I've gotten so much great feedback and I really hope it is helping others like me and families of SD to get through the rough times. I am a true believer when it comes down to"there's not much you can do except to be there for someone when they need it, even if they don't ask for it". What I've noticed is people generally turn a blind eye even though they know something is not right. If only everyone cared a little more, this world would be a much friendly world to be in.
Bring some warmth and happiness to those around you, even stragers on teh street. Help out, donate, or even just to wish others well. This season for some can be a lonely time, send a card, give them a call or a visit, doesn't take much but it can make that person's day!

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I just found your blog. I was diagnosed with SD in 1975. And I have been living with it very well. It is good to see that others are doing the same. Keep up the great work.


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