There's no one single answer. Different people may discover they Stargardt's at different stages in their life. For me, I found out when I was 9 while there are other who discovered it even earlier or much later in their lives.
Even though we may all be diagnosed with SStargardt's some people are able to drive and while others can barely see. Some of us lost much of our vision in a few short years while others lose it over a long period of time.
Hence there's no black and white dfinition of having Strgardt's because like all things, there are variations and situational factors.
Regardless of which stage you are at, living with fear is always apart of the reality we face. There's lways going to be a scary thought in the back of the head telling use perhpas we may be blind one day. No doctor can guarentee we won't lose our vision, all they can tell you is in most cases you will only lose central vision and still retain peripheral vision.
For most people, they don't realize the severity of this disease, to them, my ability to walk talk and do noraml things is just.. normal. They don't realize I stare at a menu even though I can't read a word. I nod when they point at something far away and say hey look at t that. Perfect strangers wonder why you stare off to the wall behind them instead of looking straight at them. They ask if I"m talking to them and always has a pzzled and often judgemental look on their face.
I smile, and shrug it off like always. But i guess the worst part about hvaing Stargardt's is more likely than not, your friends and family can't understand you. Not unless they themselves have been through some life altering trauma. So much is taken for granted because we
"look" so normal.
But it doesn't mean you can't have a good adventurous life. It just means everything is that much more harder even just being "normal". There may be things that you can't do, but most things you can. Often the only thing that stops you from it is yourself or people that care for you. They become over protective and deter you from living life to the fullest. Remember that htey mean whell, but also rememter to live your life. Life's not worth living if its lived in fear. Not to say there isn't fear in our lives, but more so not to let this fear stop you from trying.
Maybe being safe is what you want, and tha'ts ok too, just as long as you are happy. Stargardt's taught me to see things beyond the surface, it made me a much more humbler and compassionate human being. It gave me an appreciation for the simplest things in life and the wisdom to not take things for granted.
Sometimes the worst thing a friend of family can do is to tell the person how they should feel. The intentions are always well, but the effects of that statement usually does the exact opposite of good. Trust and support is the best present you can give to any person. A simple belief that they will find their way and unconditional support even if it looks hopeless. And by support I don't men tell them there will be a cure one day, I mean support them and let them know they can still do anything they want. The worst that cn happen is they find out they really can't, but even then at least they tried and for most people that's more important then the end result.
For those who have Stargardt's, no one is punishing you, you deserve happiness just as much as the next person, and renenber that life is often a self fullfilling proficy. So believe in yourself, don't ever let someone tell you you can't.